Rejuvenate - Regain your youth with Botox treatment


What is Botox?

Botox is actually a commercial drug name for the Clostridium Botulinum toxin. Botox injections are a commonly performed procedure with many medical uses. The most common cosmetic use is for wrinkle relaxation in the face.

Would I be suitable?

Botox injections are suitable for both men and women and are most commonly used by adults to relax wrinkles in the face.

What will Botox do for me?

This procedure involves multiple injections to deliver the toxin into the muscle. This blocks the action of the nerves which stimulates the muscle into which the toxin is injected. What won’t Botox do for me? This procedure will not offer any permanent result and cannot address deep lines and folds.

What will happen in clinic?

When you come into clinic to see Dr. Nadeem Akthar you will begin by having a light discussion regarding the reasons why you are seeking Botox injections. Dr. Nadeem Akthar will assess the suitability of this procedure based on your desires and expectations and will offer advice and recommendations as he feels appropriate. Should you decide that you do not wish to go ahead with the procedure, you wish to take further time to think about the procedure or you wish to undertake Botox injections at a later date, you will be charged for the consultation that you have had with Dr. Nadeem. If you feel that you still wish to go ahead with Botox injections and both you and Dr. Nadeem are happy that this is the best decision for your personal circumstances, then you will be charged for the procedure ONLY and will not be billed for the consultation.

How long will the efects last for?

It will take approximately 2 weeks for the full effect to become apparent and the duration of action is variable.Effects will last on average for 3-4 months before muscle actionreturns.What are the risks? As Botox is a temporary treatment, complications are relativity uncommon and when they do occur they are not permanent.


Botox is commonly used as a non-permanent cosmetic procedure to relax wrinkles in the face. It will take 2 weeks for the full effect to take place in the muscles in your face and will last for an average of 3-4 months.