CASES OF THE WEEK – “Emergency foreign body removal (safety pin) lodged in wall of the trachea of a 35 years old female” by Dr Ahmed ElMansoury, Consultant, Pulmonology

CASES OF THE WEEK – “Emergency foreign body removal (safety pin) lodged in wall of the trachea of a 35 years old female” by Dr Ahmed ElMansoury, Consultant, Pulmonology

Emergency foreign body removal (safety pin) lodged in wall of the trachea of a 35 years old female

A 35 years old female was presented with history of foreign body aspiration (safety pin). She was advised Chest X-ray PA and Lateral view on urgent basis. The report showed an open safety pin lodged above the level of the carina in the midline in the PA view and overlapping the posterior wall of the trachea in the lateral view inside the trachea, with penetration into the trachea.

The patient was elaborated regarding the medical condition and the urgent treatment plan required to dislodge the safety pin without any complications. The patient gave consensus to go ahead with the treatment plan.

The Bronchoscopy procedure was done under general anesthesia. Upon detailed inspection it showed the opened safety pin precariously lodged in the wall of trachea over the main carina. The pin was removed successfully without injury.

The patient was advised for follow up.

Unique Cases 133